Monday, August 11, 2014

Three Months!

Nine Weeks
Ten Weeks
Eleven Weeks
Twelve Weeks
Thirteen Weeks

(It's so hard to get a picture where he is smiling AND still! I'm sure that will only get harder.)

Weight: 15 lbs. 11 oz. (We didn't have a well-baby check up this month, but since we are delaying shots we had to go in. His weight was done, but not his height.)

Eating: He is still my quick little eater! 4-5 minutes a side. I normally have to cut him off on the first side or he won't drink off of the other side. We cut out his middle of the night feeding for his 12 week birthday. He fussed the following night, but has pretty much been sleeping through since then! I say "pretty much" because around 4ish he normally fusses a little for his nuk to be put back in his mouth. 

Sleeping: This little guy is becoming a great sleeper! We normally started bed around 7:45pm, am asleep by 8:30pm, and then normally wakes up at 7:30am for the day. He normally starts to toss and turn when Ty gets up and ready for the day (around 5am). I have been pulling him in bed with me for some early morning snuggles before he actually wakes up for the day. That is going to be one hard habit to break, more so for me than for him. I love morning snuggles.

We also moved out of the swaddle and into a sleep sack this month. He kept breaking his arms out of his swaddle, so we decided it was time to move on. He transitioned smoothly, and I haven't noticed any change in his sleeping because of it. I still blanket swaddle him for naps. He rarely tries to break his arms out and he sleeps so much better for naps. 

New Skills: 
~ Actually, just today I noticed a new skill! Today when I was playing with him I would blow raspberries in the air and he would try to copy me - he even got it two times! It is so fun to watch him learn and develop more each month!
~ He loves to stand up and work on his leg muscles!
~ This boy will not try to roll from back to belly or belly to back during the day, but as soon as he falls asleep he rolls right onto his side and sleeps that way all night long.
~ Lately he has been recognizing familiar faces. I have noticed a few times that he will not smile at strangers, but as soon as he looks at me he gives me a huge smile (makes a mama's heart happy :) ). 

He Loves: He has really been enjoying sitting up, either on his bottom or while I am holding him on my hip. When I lay him on any incline he normally will pull his neck forward like he wants to sit up.

He is also really enjoying...
~ talking, talking, talking (So fun!)
~ Being in his Boba. He is more aware while in his Boba. Before he would always fall asleep right away.
~ Sitting on the porch and watching the cars go by. I wouldn't think he can really see that far, but he definitely tries to follow them with his eyes as they pass by.
~ Bed time and morning snuggles
~ Smiling
~ When mommy sings to him when he's upset. He will often calm down when I sing. <3
~ Ice cream (okay maybe I just really have been enjoying ice cream, but he reaps the benefits, right?)

He Doesn't Like:
~ shots :'( (me either!)
~ being cut off on one side while feeding to burp
~ He hates tummy time, and it is really hard to do because he vomits so easily. I have to time it when his belly is empty and by then he is normally sleeping.

Exciting Things We Did:

Had a 4 night sleepover at cousins' house while Aunt June and Uncle Josh were away.

Watched daddy take a hot air ballon ride. Okay, so he slept the whole time.

Felt grass for the first time!
 Some More Pictures:
One of my favorite pictures of my blue eyed beauty.

Family Selfie

Taking care of the office while Grampy was away!

Modeling some Weatherboard flooring

He is getting so big! (1 week and 12 weeks)

Brother Theo wanted to join while we were taking 3 month photos.

I just noticed how many "!" I used in this post. I'm sorry that I am not sorry, life is so exciting with my baby by my side! ;)