Wednesday, May 20, 2015

365 Days Old

Okay, I know this post is nearly two weeks late, but it's been hard. At first I did not want to write this post and then I got really busy. So here it is... better late than never. Charles Brian is a whole year old. 

Forty-Eight Weeks

Forty-Nine Weeks

Fifty Weeks

Fifty-One Weeks

Fifty-Two Weeks

Measurements done at 1 year well baby!

Height: 30" (54th percentile)

Weight: 21 lbs. (50th percentile)

Head: 19" (95th percentile!)

Eating: C is eating three solid meals like a champ, and normally 1-2 snacks throughout the day. He really isn't a picky eater, although there are some days when he doesn't like foods that he normally does. We half-heartily tried to teach him sign language, but he hasn't picked it up due to our lack of consistency. He normally cries if he wants more and throws it on the ground when he is done (although, this child is never full! I just have to cut him off). He is eating really everything now. Due to a lack of grandparent knowledge he had strawberries this month and due to a lack of parent knowledge he had honey this month (baked in things). I am still not giving him much milk, although he has had a few bites of my cereal. 

He is also still nursing three times a day - morning, after afternoon nap, and bedtime. 

Sleeping: Sleeping is going really well. Bed at 7:30pm, wakes up at 5:30am, nurses, falls back asleep until 7:30am. I wish he would just sleep to 7:30 without waking up, but so far no luck. I have been super tired and lazy lately and just bring him into bed with me at 5:30 to nurse him and then we fall asleep for another two hours together. I talked to his pediatrician about this and he thinks he is getting too much sleep at night and that we really is just starving at 5:30. He suggested moving his bedtime back a bit. We tried that for a few days, but he actually started to wake up closer to 5 and was really grumpy by the end of the day, so we gave up that notion. My goal (every morning) is to nurse him in his room and lay him back down in his bed, but 5:30 is not the greatest motivation for a pregnant tired me. Someday I'll find the motivation. I hope. 

Naps are better! Morning nap is around 9-10am and is normally 30-45 minutes long. Afternoon nap is around 1-2 and is anywhere from 30mins- an hour and a half! An hour has been most regular (which is huge!) He also will sleep in any position now (he doesn't need a pillow to sleep well). 

New Skills:
~ Push walking! I literally looked across the room one day and he was practically running. It happened so quickly! 
~ Standing up  from a sit (although it is still rare)
~ He also got 2 new teeth this month

He Loves:
~ Giving hugs 
~ Playing outside
~ Eating dirt
~ Playing catch (and he is really good at it!)
~ When his daddy throws him around
~ Playing with pillows and Theo's dog bed
~ Going "Vroom" with cars and trucks

He Doesn't Like: Nothing new in this list this month!

Exciting Things We Did: 

Charlie announced that he was going to be a big brother on April 12th! The two will be almost exactly 18 months apart (depending on when this little ones decides to make its grand debut!) 

We took a mini day trip to the Washington D.C. Zoo 

We celebrated Charlie's first birthday! 68 people came out to celebrate him! We could not have done it without help from Grandma, Grammie, and Aunt Courtney! 

Grammie made a butterfly

Aunt Courtney made a caterpillar 

He really was concerned about a bunch of people staring at him and singing a strange song...

The blueberries on top were his favorite! 

Great Grandpa made this sign (no he did not turn 1 on the day of his was a oppsie)  

So Strong! 

We took C on his first canoe ride! He loved dipping his fingers in the water. 

Some More Pictures: 

We visited Zig's Bakery to see all the great tables that daddy built!

Cousin Anja!

We went to see cousins Jack and Eli play a soccer game, but forgot a hat. Anja was nice enough to let us borrow hers. C wasn't so sure :-P

We made dinner and had a picnic in the car so daddy could have a good dinner while mulching. 

Walking! Walking!

C spent his first birthday with his first fever :-( It only lasted a day and we decided he wanted to snuggle and snooze on us like a newborn to relive last year. Glad it didn't last long!
I can not believe that my baby is a whole year old. This past year has been the fastest year of my life. Please slow down!