Tuesday, December 27, 2016

12, 13, & 13.5 Months

Poor girl, I am so sorry. Our computer was broken for over a month and then it was Christmas and I never got around to posting, but here I am! An extended post just for you!

48 weeks

49 weeks

50 weeks

51 weeks
I apparently missed a week sometime this year :-(

All measurements done at 1 year well baby:

Height: 2' 5.5" (62 percentile)

Weight: 19 lbs 9 oz (47 percentile) (obviously looking back on her older posts something wasn't correct. She has been growing well :-) )

Head: 44.5 cm (38 percentile) 

Eating: She is eating everything that we eat - three solid meals and snacks. She actually loves to eat and we often joke with her brother because she often out eats him. She still nurses three times a day - morning, nap, and bed. She actually loves nursing now more than I feel she ever has. I always have to take her off and she is always mad, but seriously she would linger forever. She use to be a "get the job done type of girl." She also loves to practice her gymnastics while she eats, something C never did. It is pretty entertaining to watch her!

Sleeping: This girl. Poor thing doesn't have her own room yet and she wakes up every single time her brother does. The only problem is that brother goes back to sleep and Lydia does not. So pretty much she is up between 5-6 every morning. She also refuses to take her morning nap unless we are in the car and then she passes out in .5 seconds. She definitely still needs a morning nap, but I don't fight her too hard anymore. She has been taking a solid 1.5+ hour nap in the afternoon though so that is nice. 

Random, and not exactly sleeping, but Lydia's pacifier was getting gross so I ordered her a new one in the next size. She refused to take it, so I ordered more in the same size. She refused to take it. Her old one got lost and was totally gross, so in short she is paci free. It was a very difficult first week sans paci, but she is pretty good without it now. Although there have been times when she is teething that I really wish she would take one. 

New Skills: Lydia took her first steps on November 22nd! She is now practically running. It did not take her long to speed up! She loves saying Dada and thinks it is funny that she won't say Mama on demand (only when she wants me). 

She Loves: She loves her Dada, food (most of the time), her dolls, playing with brother, milkies, her grampy, so much, ripping and eating paper,

She Doesn't Like: Bath time (she poops EVERY time and I swear she does it on purpose because she  just hates it so much!), initially getting in her car seat, but is fine once in.  

Exciting Things We Did:

We announced that Lydia was going to be a big sister!

We went trick-or-treating!

We celebrated Lydia's first birthday! The week before her party both her and C got Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease. As a result all of her friends (which was like half the party) backed out at the last minute. I was really sad about it, but it was still a fun party! Lydia had fun until her cake smash. She hated it and only wanted her Grampy afterwards <3

Aunt Courtney made the cakes, Mama made the food, and Grammie helped me with the decorations.

We celebrated Christmas with friends!

We celebrated actual Christmas! Lydia was teething all of Christmas. She had a low grade fever, didn't sleep at all, and only wanted cuddled. It was no fun, but she has two new teeth to show for it! She really loved opening the presents and handing me the paper ;-)

Forget all the new toys, they just wanted to place with the old!

More Photos:

Brother always wants his photo taken too!

He also wanted to wear daddy's bow tie!

Love that nosey smile!

A Note for Lydia: Sweet girl, I love you and the role that you play in our family. Your nosey smiles that almost burst her face melts my heart and watching how much you love her brother and daddy (and Grampy!) is the sweetest. You do not to snuggle or sleep, but you love to be held...standing up. You know what you like and fight for it :-P I can not believe that you are already almost 14 months old! You are growing so quickly and I can not wait to see what the Lord has planned for you life (okay, I mean I can wait a little so slow down!) I love you and your spunk and your kissable face! You are such a joy!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Month 11

44 weeks

45 weeks

46 weeks

47 weeks
11 Months Old!

Weight: 20 lbs. (Done at home)

Eating: Lydia will pretty much eat whatever is put in front of her. She eats whatever we eat now, but still avoiding milk, honey, and sugar. Although a lot of our food (like bread, pretzels, and homemade foods) has honey in it, we have been giving it to her and she hasn't had an issue. We just don't give her it unless it is just a small amount baked in an item.

She is down to three nursings a day - morning, pre-nap, and bed. I always wanted to move her pre-nap nursing to post-nap, but I don't think I will ever bother at this rate. She still loves to nurse and acts like a monkey. Even at bedtime when she is exhausted, she will climb and move all over me while still staying attached and drinking well.

Sleeping: I just re-read last months sleep section. She is still taking two naps - morning and afternoon. Morning nap is about 30m-1h long, afternoon has only been an hour lately :-( She loves bedtime and requests bed at 7PM, we normally don't get to it until 7:30 though.

This month she has been waking up at 5AM ready to start her day. We are working on getting her to sleep in later. When she wakes up at 5AM, C is normally already in bed with us so I just let her talk and whine to herself, hoping that she will fall back asleep. It hasn't really been working, but it at least buys me about an extra 30 mins laying in bed. However, the past couple days she has fallen back asleep. Today she slept until 6:45AM, which is MUCH better!

New Skills: She has been perfectly all of her skills. Her favorite thing that she is currently working on is standing by herself. She can only last about .5 seconds, but she thinks it is fun and is working hard. Honestly, I think she would be cruising more, but every time she goes to use her walker, brother takes it from her or wants to play with her on it instead of just letting her walk.

Things She Loves: Chicken and potatoes (seriously her favorite foods, which cracks me up!), trying to stand by herself, walking with her walker, dashing towards steps because she knows she isn't allow to, her daddy, bedtime.

Things She Doesn't Love: Waiting for milk or food, getting her feelings hurt (she has mastered the pouty lip)

Exciting Things We Did:

We moved both kiddos into the same room and lowered Lydia's bed.

Lydia got her first pair of sneakers!

We went on a lot of stroller rides as brother learned how to peddle his bike.

We spent a family day at Valley Forge! The weather was absolutely perfect and love kiddos loved it.

We went to the cabin with family! It rained the whole weekend, so we didn't get to go outside much.

We visited the Manheim Farm Show!

More Pictures:

A Note: Lydia, you are growing up so quickly! You will be one in less than a month! Your laugh is my favorite, I can't describe it's joy bringing sound.
I just asked your brother if he could write a note to you to read in the future, what would he say. "Sissy, get a jacket!" He was pretty persistent and passionate. Heed, your brothers advice my dear daughter ;-)