22 weeks |
23 weeks |
24 weeks |
25 weeks |
26 weeks |
Height: 2' 2.5" (68th percentile)
Weight: 16 lbs. 1 oz. (45th percentile)
Head: 42 cm (39th percentile)
Head: 42 cm (39th percentile)
Eating: Not much has changed with Lydia's nursing. Still nurses 5 times during the day and once at night (yeah still haven't cut that, not sure when I will/when she will). She finally is past the four month wakeful period and now eats like a pro again. She still has no interest in a bottle. We have been trying different times to no avail. She also refuses any paci except her Natursutten. I spent the money on their bottles thinking that she may take it, but no such luck. I really don't mind her not taking a bottle, but Daddy and I could use a night away and my closest friends are having a baby in June that I am attending. Depending on how the labor and birth goes, girlfriend will need to take a bottle!
Sleeping: Absolutely nothing new here! Although she does want snuggled a little bit before bed now, but still likes to actually fall asleep herself. She also sleeps much better on a bed then in her pack and play. Yes poor girl still hasn't spent one night in her crib or in an actual bed yet. Moving has her still in the pack and play and it looks like she may be there a while yet!
New Skills: Lydi Lady has been working really hard on sitting up by herself and can do it, but is still not a solid sitter. She is showing a lot of interest in food, but we won't start anything until at least next month. Other than that, she is really just perfecting her eye/hand coordination and her perfect smiles :-)
She Loves: Her Sophie the giraffe! (I bought one second hand and it is her favorite!) She loves her brother! (It has been fun watching their relationship grow. No one can make her giggle like brother can!) She loves standing and being in the excersaucer. She loves shaking her head back and forth, and tummy time isn't absolutely terrible anymore! She loves her Natursutten paci too (nothing else!). If it is within reach she always has it in her mouth.
She Doesn't Like: bottles...
Exciting Things We Did:
We went to the cabin!
We celebrated brother's birthday!
Lydia and Charles were dedicated to Jesus!
We celebrated the impending arrival of Maxson Jude!
Which included a baby hang out session ;-) |
Other Pictures:
First time! |
Big brother moved into a big boy bed! |
So much love! |
<3 |
Big girl! |
Charles - 3 m.o. Lydia - 4 m.o. I swear they are related! |
A note to my lady: Lydia Ruthie you are a ray of sunshine. Your brother is crazy about you. His favorite thing to do with you right now is to snuggle with you post nap. After a few minutes of snuggles he loves to bounce on the bed and it makes you giggle so much! He also loves to give you raspberries and belly kisses! You are teaching him how to be gentle and to share. Hard lessons to learn, but he is getting there thanks to you and your patience.
You don't see your daddy too much right now. He is working so hard to finish our new home. Whenever you see him after not seeing him for a while you look at him with the funniest expression. It's like you know who he is, but are too startled to actually see him. Your daddy thinks the world of you. Next to brother, you think daddy is pretty funny too.
You are my baby doll. You are so patient and sweet to everyone. You like to act shy, but after a little while you will talk anyones ear off. You have a lot to say! As much as you talk, you listen more. You are learning and taking your environment in so often. You are like your mama in some ways. For instance, I don't laugh very easily. I can try so hard to make you giggle and you just look at me with a smile. Really, you only save the giggles for brother and daddy. I love you so much baby girl! I love watching your personality grow! Can not believe you are closer to 1 than to birth. Oh dear...