Weight: 17 lbs. (done at home)
Eating: Lydia Ruth tried lots of new food this month, including green beans, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, pears, peaches, and watermelon. She is only now sort of kind of eating it instead of just tasting and spitting it out. Avocado is definitely her favorite though, although pears and watermelon are a close second.
Lyds is still nursing 5-6 times a day. I got mastitis quite bad this month. She was loving nursing, but since I got mastitis, she has sort of been on a type of nursing strike for the past week. I am not sure if those two things are connected, but the timing lines up perfectly. She often only nurses on one side and not for long at all. I am hoping that I can wean 2 nurses (the middle of the night and maybe dinner) and that it will help her nurse better at the other feedings.
Sleeping: I should have never moved her back into our room when we moved. Right after I wrote her 7th month post she started sleeping terribly. She was getting up around 2-3 times a night and just restless. The only reason I can think of is because she was in our room. She slept so great in her own room. So, unfortunately (& I hate this fact), we moved her into our (finished) basement so that she could have her own space. And although it has helped, she still isn't sleeping like she use to. Currently, she is getting up about 2 times a night (around 12AM and 4/5AM). I can normally get her back to sleep the first time, but the second time she demands to be fed. Lydia and I are talking about the situation and trying to come to an agreement. So far she is winning the argument.
Lyds officially moved down to two naps a day this month. Normally one around 9:30AM and one at 1:30PM when big brother takes a nap. The morning one is normally 30 mins to an hour long and the afternoon one is anywhere from 1-3 hours.
Lyds officially moved down to two naps a day this month. Normally one around 9:30AM and one at 1:30PM when big brother takes a nap. The morning one is normally 30 mins to an hour long and the afternoon one is anywhere from 1-3 hours.
New Skills: Sits like a pro and can booty scoot all over the place, can finger food, can balance on her hands and knees (if put there & only for a very short amount of time), not a new skill, but girlfriend finally got a tooth!
She Loves: avocados, playing cars with her brother (seriously. He wasn't home the other day and she just cried and cried for him. She was perfectly happy as soon as he got home!), frozen things,
She Doesn't Like: green beans, when she rolls onto her belly because she still hasn't figured out how to roll back.
Exciting Things We Did:
We celebrated Daddy on Father's Day!
We went on our first family bike ride and we all loved it!
We went to the cabin to celebrate the Fourth of July! Lydia loved the fireworks and watched them all. C crawled into my lap, refused to watch, and fell asleep until they were over.
Paper Lanterns! |
We went on a family hike to the top of Governor Dick! We then went to the Jigger Shop for dinner and desert!
<3 |
We went on a family camping trip to World's End State Park & Rickett's Glen! One our full day there we decided to hike Rickett's Glen. We went right after high school and complained about carrying a bag... This time we hiked the 7.2 miles up and down mountains with two children and a full diaper bag. :-P Did I mention that I had mastitis and Lydia had a terrible cold? We did it and felt stronger afterwards!
More Pictures:
These two love playing together! |
Cousin Eli love baby Lydia! |
Post Nap Snuggles |
Mommy and Charlie got to ride a horse! |
Sleep has been a little rough lately. Daddy captured this one morning. |