Four Months Old!
Height: 2 ft. 1.6 in. (69th percentile)
Head: 18 in. (99th percentile)
Eating: Big boy is a great eater and still nurses 5 times a day. However, and often to my dismay, he will only nurse on one side 50% of the time. It's no big deal really, but it drives me slightly crazy. This month he has also started vomiting a ton. Like I'm always covered in it and we are both constantly changing outfits. I have been trying my best to keep him dry, but I am not being completely successful because he has wet rash all over his neck and chest.
Sleeping: Jed is such a great sleeper! I was waiting for the 4 month sleep regression to hit (and maybe it will again), but it was two days of up all night and then he was back to sleeping through the night.
He naps great too! He still naps 4 times a day and definitely still needs / asks for each nap. Normally he will take one really good nap after his 1:30-2 PM nursing. His sleeping has been a big blessing for me, probably in more ways than I know.
He Loves: His chains, sitting up, talking
He Doesn't Like: Loud noises including screeches from his sister ;-) But seriously he is a happy guy and hardly ever complains.
New Skills: Playing with toys, sitting up better, consonant sounds, super close to giggling
Exciting Things We Did:
Not Jed related, but we had another ER visit this month. Charles put a sewing needle through his finger. He was so brave and it left no scare at all. Jed hung out with our neighbor, Lisa, until daddy could get to him.
Jed attended his first wedding. We witnessed Jane and Nate Huber get married... well kind of. Jed wasn't feeling the romantic vibes and wanted to be nowhere near the wedding, so mommy didn't get to see any of the ceremony. However, he did love the reception so much that he refused to go to sleep until we left around 10PM. Unfortunately, I never got a good photo of him in his cute little suit.
We went apple picking with the Distler's!
Someone was hungry and not getting fed :-) |
We went to the Manheim Farm Show! Which also included Jed's first slide ride.
Family photo fun <3 |
Monthly photo by Charles. |
"Look mommy! I have all my babies!" <3 |
I had to wake him up to go somewhere and he was not a fan. |
Napping with my boys after a frustrating day. |
Photo by C. |
Sleeping babes make my heart melt. |
Chatting with cousin Corbett! |
Big boy learned how fun it is to sit up this month! |
She really loves him, she just has a hard time showing her affection safely. |
Brother/Sister Photos:
Their relationships summed up in one picture :-P |
A Note From Daddy: To my BIG littlest Jed, I love seeing you come alive. Seeing you smile, watching you wiggle, and listening to you talk makes all of my cares in the world go away. Never stop lighting up our world! I love you!