Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Six Months Old!

Half a year old! How did that happen!?

Height: 2 feet, 2.5 inches (41st percentile)

Weight: 19 lbs 3 oz (62nd percentile)

Head Circumference: 43 cm (38th percentile)

Eating: Jed is still nursing 5 times a day. His vomiting has slowed down a ton. We normally start food around 7 months, as long as they can sit up by themselves. He can sit up by himself, but is still pretty wobbly. So hopefully by next month he will be more steady. We did give him a green bean to suck since he seems so interested at dinner time. However, he really wasn't too impressed.

Sleeping: Sometimes he sleeps through the night, other times he is up 4 times. I think that a tooth is probably on its way, between the lack of sleep and fountain rate drool and explosive poops. We also moved Jed into a sleep sack and out of the sleep suit this month. He has been waking up at around 6 every morning. Sometimes I can get him back to sleep in bed with me, other times he just sings for the next hour until I decide to feed him. I try not to feed him until at least 7:15 so that our day doesn't get too out of whack.

Naps are pretty great. He takes about three naps a day, sometimes 4. He loves to sleep in his swing or swaddled in his bed with a pillow up against him. Naps are normally an hour, but sometimes he will sleep for nearly 2.5 or until I wake him up.

He Loves: 
~ His brother - Charlie makes him laugh more than anymore.
~ Toys
~ Baths
~ Sitting up
~ Standing up

He Doesn't Like:
~ Being attacked by the love of his brother and sister (mainly the second ;-) )

New Skills:
~ Sitting up more
~ Rolling more
~ Holding himself up more
~ Playing more
~ Laughing and smiling more

Exciting Things We Did:
We started M.O.M. Days (Mandatory Outside Mondays!)

Celebrated Grammy with a surprise birthday party at Supply Manheim!

We got our Christmas Tree!

I finished Jed's Stocking. It is a scene out of one of my favorite picture books, called "The Gift of Nothing."

Jedidiah got better at sitting up! 

He tried a green bean for the first time (on the day he turned 6 months)! The will probably be the extent of his food for a little bit.

We celebrated Christmas at Zig's!

More Photos:

Picture by Charlie

Photo by C

Photo by C

Photo by C

First day of Advent

Morning Snuggles! 
Brother/Sister Photos:


A Note From Daddy: To my dearest JT, Daddy loves seeing you take on a personality. Your shy smiles and belly giggles sweeten my day. Your moving like a maniac these days and I love it! You've grown up so much in 6 months and I can't wait to see all the advancements you'll make in the next 6. Love you to the moon and back littlest buddy!