Wednesday, March 14, 2018

9 Months Old!

Height: 2 ft 4.5 inches (55 percentile)

Weight: 18 lbs 14 oz (36 percentile)

Head Circumference: 45.5 cm (64 percentile)

Eating: Jed has tried many new foods this month including (but probably not limited to) puffed kamut, broccoli, cauliflower, cantaloupe, grapes, oatmeal, black beans, rice. I am sure that I am forgetting something, but he is eating great and loves food! He weaned himself off of his 4:30 nursing and so he is nursing 4 times a day. He loves to feed himself and gets very impatient if I have to be the one to feed him something. Little guy still only has two teeth.

Sleeping: Jed's sleeping is pretty consistent. It is exactly the same as it was last month. He sleeps around 7:30PM - 6:30/7AM and then naps two times a day depending on our schedule (he does not transfer in his car seat). I am going to switch him into a convertible car seat, but am waiting for this crazy wind to settle down.

He Loves: bananas, and eating in general, his mama, being swaddled for naps, shaking his head and laughing.  He thinks it is really funny when I steal his paci from his mouth.

He Doesn't Like: His sister loves to sit on his back. He doesn't like that. He also doesn't like being put in his carseat, but doesn't mind once he's in.

New Skills: So so close to crawling! He is booty scooting all over! He is speaking a lot more, mainly dada, and lip rolls.

Exciting Things We Did:
Lydia and Charles had their first sibling sleepover. It went well, but Lydia still ended up in our bed as usual. 

Grammy took the kiddos to the park one day while mommy was at home sick with mastitis. What a blessing Grammie's are.

Grammie also took us to the splash pool at the rec. Everyone loved it! Jed had a blast splashing! Did I mention that Grammie's are the best?

Obviously can't get one picture where everyone is looking and smiling. :-)
We turned Lydia's carseat around and per her request she is now in the back with Charlie. 

We had a couple Spring like days! Most of which Jed slept through outside play time.

Lydia got a big girl bed!

Sweet sister
More Pictures:

C drove Jed around at play group.

C's first self portrait 

C gave Jed his own banana. Let's just say he needed an outfit change, but was pretty pleased with himself.

Is there anything sweeter than a sleeping babe?

Too cold outside for this little one

Picture by C!

Sibling Pictures:

Poor Jed. Not an uncommon outcome of sibling interaction. 
A Note From Mommy: Jed you are getting so big. You are one tough guy. You got shots at your nine month well baby, and the nurses were amazed at how brave you were - you only cried for a second. I think you have your sister and brother to thank for that. You have been giving me kisses lately and they are my favorite and every time you lean forward with your open mouth and I give you a kiss you look up at me with amazement, and every time I melt a little. Time is a funny thing. You were just in my belly and now here we are 9 months later and your so close to being on the go. The worst part is time will only keep going faster. I try desperately to hold on to the moments, but no matter how hard I try, they still fly by. You and your brother and sister mean the world to me and I'm hope that you always know how much I love and cherish you. May I never waste a single moment of time that I have been blessed with being your mama.