Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Lydia Ruth is 1 Month Old

Better two weeks late than never, right? Sorry Lydia.

1 week

2 weeks

3 weeks

4 weeks
One Month!

Height: 21.5" (64th percentile) 

Weight: 9 lbs. 9 oz. (57th percentile)

Head: 14.25" (36th percentile)

Eating: Words can not describe how much different nursing Lydia is compared to Charles. When Charlie was a month old, I remember thinking that he may be an only child because nursing was way too difficult. Thank goodness things got better and I didn't stick to that mindset :-) Lydia is a great nurser, and very quick - 4/5 minutes tops. She nurses about every three hours, but sometimes only two. The hardest parts about nursing Lydi is 1) she never comes close to emptying me (lots of milk showers) and 2) girlfriend is a vomiter. Many a times I have been covered (seriously, covered) in vomit in public and private alike. Overall, I was only sore for about two days (not counting engorgement). It also could help that I only had three weeks off between nursing C and Lyds. 

Sleeping: Girlfriend sleeps like a pro, especially the first two weeks. I even got a few solid nights of sleep. Now that she is more awake and aware sleep is a little different. During the day, she is having a harder time napping unless she is being snuggled. At night she sleeps well and only wakes up two times (normally around 2am and 5am). Overall, she sleeps like Charlie did as a newborn. 

New Skills: She is really starting to be more awake, as well as paying more attention. She is really focusing and following movement to maintain eye contact too. 

She Loves: Snuggles, milk, sleeping, her swing (sometimes)

She Doesn't Like: Her pacifier 

Exciting Things We Did:
~ Being born

Meeting brother for the first time!
~ First bath

~ Celebrated Lydia's first Thanksgiving 
(We didn't take any photos :-( )

~ Decorated for Christmas

~ First trip to Home Depot 

Charlie kept a close eye on her the whole time.
~ First day of work

More Photos: 

First family photo

Brother snuggles

Girl loves her kissy lips

After bath brother snuggles

My real life baby doll

One month photo outtake. Typical of Charlie. Take bow and put in on himself. 
A note to Lydia Ruthie: My sweet sweet girl, I can not imagine life without you. You make our family one step closer to complete. I would like to apologize for all the "not the first child" differences (for example this being two weeks late). I'm sorry for all the times my hands aren't there or don't move fast enough to protect you from your brother. I swear he just wants to play and share his toys. He's learning to share mommy as much as you are. Soon you two will be BFFs. Just know that if you have a permanent bump, it was done out of love :-) Your daddy loves you so much. It makes my heart swell to see him love you. I love you and your easy going personality. I can not wait to see the little lady that you grow up to be! You are truly loved Little Lydi Lady <3

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