Friday, January 29, 2016

Lydia's Birth Story

I love labor and birth. Call me weird, but there is just something about witnessing a miracle take place - whether it be watching it unfold in front of you or having it take place inside you. I had big desires and dreams for Lydia's birth. In fact, they were so big that I really didn't believe that they could possibly all come true. I prayed to Jesus and told him the desires of my heart often. The Lord not only answered my prayers, he far exceeded my expectations.

I know I am over two months out from the birth of my daughter (WHAT!?), but I don't want to forget how the Lord arranged her whole birth. I want her to be able to read this and know that the Lord answered my prayers.

Friday, November 13th - I was on my way to my weekly check up when all of the sudden I could feel Lydia completely spin in my womb. She had been in an anterior position with her head down since 27 weeks, but on my way to my appointment she flipped to occiput posterior. Not only had she turned around, but she also decided to, what felt like, get some exercises in by kicking her feet and pumping her arms as much as she could. I'm not sure I can remember a more painful car ride (not even when I was in labor with C). The midwife confirmed my (obvious) suspicions - she was sunny side up. She gave me some exercises to do during labor if she didn't flip beforehand and sent me home. This isn't the worst news in the world, but I knew that I was probably going to be going into labor sometime soon and sunny side up is not the easiest to labor through. I sent a text to my sister, Genna (AKA June), and asked her to pray for Lydia to turn back around.

Fast forward to Saturday night - June texted me and told me that my nephew, Jackson, had specifically prayed for Lydia. That not only comforted by heart and made me more proud of my nephew, but it also brought me peace. A few hours later, Sunday morning at 2 A.M., I woke up with very mild contractions. I couldn't sleep so I decided to time them. They were consistent and getting stronger. My husband was suppose to help lead worship in church that morning, but I was afraid that wasn't going to happen. Finally at 7 A.M. I had one contraction that I thought for sure was the real deal. I woke Tyler up and broke the news to him that I didn't think he was going to church. However, (of course) after I woke him up, I didn't get another single contraction. HOWEVER, during those four hours, I was on my hands and knees begging my sweet daughter to flip, and she did! I might not have been in real labor, but my babe had flipped and that was an answer to prayer! (Thanks Jackson :-) )

Since my contractions had stopped, Tyler got ready and went to church. 8 A.M. came and still no more contractions. I was bummed, but knew the real deal was bound to be coming soon. I got C and myself ready and went to church. The day continued as normal. We went to church, came home, ate lunch, and did naps.

Sunday at 4 P.M. - I woke up to the sound of my oldest sweet baby waking up from his nap. I laid in bed and tired to pull myself out of my post-nap haze. Suddenly, I got another contraction. It made me excited, but I quickly ignored my excitement and vowed to go on with my day without thinking about it (as much as possible). Every Sunday we go to my parent's house for dinner. This Sunday was no different, except I was having contractions that I was trying my very best to ignore. When we got to my parents I thought that we should take one last picture of just C and me and my belly, but I ignored it because this was NOT real labor. (I desperately wish I would have taken that picture!)

During dinner my contractions got stronger, but the last thing I wanted was for my family to think I was in labor because I *probably* wasn't. I did my best to act normal throughout the contractions, but it got to the point where I had to lean over and breath through them. No one said anything and I was extremely grateful for that. (My oldest sister didn't even notice anything was different.) After dinner we quickly left.

With both of my labors, there are pivotal moments. The first being when I think maybe this is the real deal, and the second is when I feel myself transition. On the car ride home, we went around a bend during a strong contraction. It was that turn that made me think that this was probably going to be the real deal. When we got home I asked Tyler to blow up the birthing pool so that we wouldn't have to blow it up while C was sleeping - you know in case this is actually real. He happy obliged and C was eager to help. My contractions were still regular and getting stronger, but they were very far apart (maybe 15 mins.) We got C ready for bed and I kissed him good night knowing that it probably was the last night of kissing him with his sister on the inside. By this time, my contractions were strong and I decided to time them.

While Tyler put C to bed I decided to get in the shower. During Charlie's labor it was the shower that really got things going. I eagerly stepped into the shower and expected the same stimulation that I got during C's labor. Much to my disappointment, nothing changed, in fact if anything, my contractions slowed down. I don't think I had a single one during the shower. I got out of the shower disappointed, got dressed, and went downstairs to watch Ty work. Ty was certain that I was in labor and didn't want the midwife and nurse to see a hole he was patching in our wall downstairs, so he was working on finishing it. After my shower my contractions picked up again. Strong, yes. Closer together, no. I timed them while I watched him work. Finally during one contraction I could feel Lydia drop. I had the same feeling with C. I couldn't get comfortable any more so I went upstairs to watch "Buying and Selling" and eagerly awaited for myself to kick into (what I was familiar with as) active labor.

Around 9 P.M. I was having contractions that were lasting a minute and they were extremely strong, however they were still 8-9 minutes apart. I called Tyler to come upstairs and hang out with me. He called the midwife and just gave her a heads up that we would need her sometime, but not yet. After Ty showered we turned on Friday Night Lights to try to distract me. It didn't work. My contractions were stronger than I ever remember them being with Charlie, but they were so far apart. I was confused and frustrated because I could not judge were I was in labor. This mental aspect made Lydia's birth much harder than Charlie's.

My contractions were getting so strong that I asked Ty to start filling the birthing pool. Even if I wasn't in active labor in my mind, I needed to try something different to help ease the pain. Ty went downstairs to fill the pool and called my parents to come pick Theo up. Cue pivotal moment #2. I was upstairs laboring leaning over our bed, when all of the sudden I had a contraction that felt the exact same as transition with C. The contraction that makes you want to run and hide and vomit and give up and gets you super excited all at the same time. That was it. I told Ty to call the midwife. Even if my contractions were still sometimes almost 10 minutes apart, I knew I was hitting transition.

I went downstairs and got myself ready to get into the pool. Ty texted my sister Genna and asked her to come be on Charlie duty. My sweet Charlie was not the greatest sleeper. He woke up to any little noise and at the time was waking up at 5:30 every morning. We really didn't expect him to sleep through the birth of his sister and wanted to have someone there that he was comfortable with.

I was excited to get into the birthing pool because with C's labor, it was amazing - it was extremely hot and made me very relaxed. I got into the birthing pool. It was cold. We had run out of hot water. The change of scenery helped relax me a little, but I was craving HOT water. Ty started heating water on our stovetop. Just before 11 P.M. my sister got there and helped too. Seriously, I could not do labor without my husband. He is my rock, safety, and comfort during birth. Not only that, but in between contractions (which were still 5-7 or so minutes apart) he was running back and forth adding hot water to the pool. My sweet sister was such a great help too. She thought she was coming to lay around and wait for C to wake up. Instead she was warming water and cleaning up my vomit. I felt so loved and cared for. Charlie's labor was quick. My contractions were one after another with him and he was born with is hand by his head. However, I would never describe his labor as painful. Lydia's on the other hand was painful. I think mainly because I could not tell where I was in labor. Not being mentally aware of my progress made it so difficult for me. I was and am eternally grateful for the people who loved and comforted me during her labor.

The nurse and midwife arrived around 11:45 P.M. The nurse was the same one who attended and helped Charles enter the world - how special! They were happy to hear that I had just thrown up. They came in, got settled, and checked out baby and me. Baby was doing well. I was only at 4-5 cm. I was discouraged, but kept reminding myself that dilation means absolutely nothing. Luckily, I did not let the news bogged me down for long. By now the midwife and nurse were helping Genna and Tyler was able to give me his complete attention. Which, I could not labor without anymore.

Notice the hole never got patched ;-)

Things remained quiet and calm for a while. Just before 1 A.M. I got that all too familiar feeling that I had to take a large poop. I tried to ignore the urge to push. Finally, I mentioned to the midwife that I felt like I had to push, but was just doing it as little as possible to make myself comfortable. I think she doubted me because barely an hour ago I was only 4-5 cm.  She reminded me not to push before my body was ready. With the next contraction the urge was overwhelming and I told her so. Pop! My water broke. She told me to turn so she could check me. However, by the time I was turing Lydia was crowning! Everyone jumped into gear and got ready to meet this sweet babe! With the next contraction her head was out! My contractions were still a minute apart. This had to be the most painful. For nearly a whole minute my sweets girl's head was born in the water, and we waited to birth the rest of her. Finally, another contraction came and my little lady entered the world at 1:18 A.M.!

I have never felt such a high as giving birth. Such wonders our bodies are! What a gift to be able to witness such a pure miracle.

Not only was I able to have the water home birth that I dreamed of, but the timing could not have been more perfect. Charles never woke up. My sister could not believe it. She said just the sound of the doppler alone was so loud! Since June wasn't attending to C, she was able to get video and pictures of the birth - something I wanted so badly! I regret not having anything to help me relive C's birth.

The midwife and nurse left at 4:30 A.M. we climbed upstairs and excepted C to wake up in an hour like he always did. Another miracle - my sweet Charles slept into 8:30! and has been sleeping in ever since!

The Lord is SO good. Lydia's birth was so far beyond what I could have dreamed of. It is crazy how we wait for so long to give birth, then it happens, and now all I'm left with are the memories, pictures, and these words of that sweet moment (and of course my sweetest Lydi lady!). I wish I could bottle up each one of my births and relive it whenever I want, but I suppose the video and pictures will have to do!

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