Friday, April 22, 2016

Four & Five Month Updates

14 weeks

15 weeks

16 weeks

17 weeks

18 weeks

19 weeks

20 weeks

21 weeks
Four Months!

Five Months!

I know, I know, I'm a month late on Lydia's four month update, but seriously Lydia's fourth month of life was rough. Poor girl was sick pretty much the entire time. First with a terrible cold and then the poor girl got hit hard and by the time we pulled ourselves together she was already almost 5 months old and I figured I would just wait and do four and five months together.

Height: Four month well-baby - 2' 1.5" (92 percentile)

Weight: 13 lbs .5 oz at four months (29 percentile done at well baby) 15.5 lbs at five months (done on home scale)

Eating: Lydi girl is the complete opposite of her brother. Charlie loved his milkies. Lydia on the other hand could care less. She nurses 5 times during the day and once at night. However, during fourth month she couldn't breathe and barely ate and then she got really sick and didn't want to eat. By the time she was feeling better and eating better she had lost weight and was down to 13 lbs. I was advised to continue nursing her in the middle of the night. Now she is back up to a good weight, but has little interest in nursing during the day because there is just way too much to look at! She eats from one side like a pro, but hardly ever eats from the other side. Sometimes if we hide in her nursing cover and play tent I can convince her to eat a little bit from the second side. I think we are finally ready to cut out the night feeding, I am just having a hard time sucking it up and just doing it because right now it is literally so easy. She nurses for 5 minutes around 4-5am and is zonked back out. Also, girlfriend refuses to take a bottle. So theres that.

Sleeping: Sleeping :-) Girlfriend still doesn't really like naps. If she had it her way, which she often gets, she would only catnap in the morning and take a decent nap in the afternoon. I still try to put her down for 4 naps a day, but don't often succeed and when I do her naps are about 20 minutes long. If we are at home and I can lay her in a room by herself she often takes a good 2-3 hour nap after her 2(ish) pm nursing. 

Nighttime sleeping is going well. Sort of to my dismay though, she really doesn't like to be snuggled to sleep. She likes to eat and be left alone to drift off. I often appreciate it, but am also sad to miss her baby snuggles. She is almost always asleep by 8pm, sleeps until 4-5 to nurse, and then sleeps until 8-8:30am. 

When she was sick sleeping was nearly nonexistent. Then it took her awhile to get back into the swing of things, but all is well now. We moved into my parents house while we work on our new house and Lydi got her own room. April 10th was my first night without her by my side. She really is doing well and likes having her own space though. My baby doll is growing up too fast!

New Skills: Since Lydia was so sick during her fourth month, she didn't really gain any new skills; She was too busy getting better! But as soon as she was all better, she was showing us her new moves every other day! She can now... roll over, is *so* close to being able to sit up by herself, girlfriend has a lot to say and says it in typical screechy girl nature, she is so interactive and watches EVERYTHING, she also loves to play with toys now. 

She Loves: I never thought I would say this about her, but she loves her paci! I had completely given up on getting her to take a paci, but on the first night of her fever she wouldn't sleep unless she was nursing so I tried to give it to her and she took it right away and has loved it since (which was a HUGE blessing while she was sick!). She also loves her toys (chains, Sophie, and baby doll). She finally enjoys car rides and doesn't scream as soon as the car stops. She loves sitting up and always tries to when she is laying down and she loves that the Bumbo helps her accomplish all her sitting up desires. She also loves being held and her Magic Sleepsuit.

She Doesn't Like: When I am busy and can't pick her up right away, being snuggled to go to bed at night, she absolutely hated taking medicine, but now gets it so often that it's no big deal.

Exciting (& not so exciting) Things We Did:

During the first part of March, we got our house ready to sell.

We cleaned
and we dug cars out of the wall. Charlie pushed them through the drywall upstairs that didn't have trim up yet. 
We also introduced brother to undies and the potty!

And then poor Lydi girl got sick :-( 

We did lots and lots of this

Even brother tried to make her feel better!
She had been fighting a yucky cold for a month. She had her four month well-baby on March 11. March 12th she was all better! March 13th she spiked a fever of 103.4 and continued to fight it for a whole week. During that week her fever never broke, she didn't want to eat, she did NOT want put down, and she gradually became very sore in her neck. I took her to the doctors on March 16th, but they weren't concerned and said it just had to run its course. My mama heart felt like something else was the matter, but I kept ignoring it. Then on Sunday, March 20th I stopped ignoring it because I could not move her without her screaming in pain and she was no longer able to move her neck up with her head. I called her pediatrician (who I greatly respect, but didn't get to see at the check up on Wednesday). He advised that I take her to a type of Urgent Care run by my family doctor on Sundays. I took her there and they sent me to Lancaster General. Did I mention that while we were at the first doctor that day she had a massive poop explosion and I walked around the rest of the day with poop all over me?! and Lydia had to wear her brothers sweatpants and a glittery cardigan. Oh dear. They ran a bunch of test at LGH and it was finally resolved that she had the Flu and RSV which resulted in her contracting Kawasaki's Syndrome. They admitted her and we got treatment started nearly right away (after four failed attempts of getting an IV in :-( ) 

She was hooked up with all her wires during the treatment while took 12 hours. But man oh man did that make a difference! Almost as soon as her treatment was complete she was feeling and looking so much better! 

We were in isolation so overtime someone came to visit they had to put on all the attire.

They say when you look better you feel better so Lydia was still rocking her bows in the hospital. 
We were admitted Sunday afternoon. She got the treatment Sunday night into Monday morning. She then had to go 48 hours without a fever before we could go. During our three days there she also ruptured an ear drum :-( poor girl couldn't catch a break. Little by little she started to get better!

Her IV popped out during her treatment and it swelled her arm too.

She did lots and lots of this ^

Finally feeling a little better!

First smile in a LONG time!

We have such a great support group. Thanks to all the grandparents Charlie was well taken care of! 

All better and ready to go home!
We were discharged on Wednesday afternoon. The rest of the week was for napping and packing because we started moving our things out of our house that Saturday! Did I mention that Sunday was Easter!? Let's just say that it was a stressful month, followed by a more stressful week, followed by a super stressful week and come Monday, March 28th I was fried. I took a mental day and me and the kiddos stayed in our PJs all day and did as little as C would allow us to. 

We celebrated Easter!

Sissy discovered the wonders of the Bumbo and she LOVES it!

We took our last family walk at Petersburg Road

We sold our old house and bought our new house and started demolition. 

Grandpa, Daddy, and Great Grandpa
It was a full two months and there doesn't seem to be an end very close. We are currently living with my parents and daddy is working as hard as he can to finish our new home.

Other Pictures:

If this doesn't sum up their relationship, I don't know what does. 

A note to my little Lydi girl: Sweet girl, I really want to write you a note that eloquently depicts all my feelings for you at this stage, but instead you really don't want to nap and you just want your mama to hold you (and kiss those cheekies of yours!). So dear, that is what I will do! I'll love you forever and always blue eyes! 

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