Eating: Foster is a great eater. He nurses for about 3 minutes a side, and often nurses at 8AM, 11AM, 3PM, 6PM, and 9PM. He only poops once a week, so I started to give him a probiotic before bed to get things moving. So far I haven't noticed a difference though.
Sleeping: Foster is became a rockstar sleeper this month. He has been taking three naps (and I normally have to wake him up from at least one of them each day) during the day, and then sleeping ALL NIGHT LONG. I don't think I have gotten this much sleep since before Charlie was born. Okay, I probably have, but it sure doesn't seem like it. For the past two weeks, Foster has been sleeping from around 9PM-8AM. Jed normally wakes up at 6AM every morning, so I have been trying to wake up at 5:30 to get a little reading time in before the kids wake up. I know Foster might not always sleep like this, but I sure am loving it for now!
He Loves: baths, milk, air conditioning (the first night with our air on was the first night that he slept all night long, so I'm claiming it as a love, I know I do), his swing, being swaddled or put in his sleep sack, his boppi pillow
He Doesn't Like: Pooping, being smothered by his siblings
New Skills: Foster is getting stronger everyday. His neck is strong and he has great control. He is becoming more aware and awake. He also has started smiling at us, but only does so sparingly still.
Exciting Things We Did:
We celebrated Charlie's 5th birthday!
We dedicated Foster to the Lord on Mother's Day. We didn't get any good photos though.
We went to the cabin... and totally forgot to document his first trip to the cabin other than these two car photos. It took us 6.5 hours to get there and 3.5 hours to get home (We drove home after bedtime).
We celebrated Daddy's 28th birthday! (Foster had just woken up.)
Foster slept through the night!
More Pictures:
First sleepover with just mom and dad. (big kids were at Grammie and Grampy's) |
My first baby who will just fall asleep when tired. |
First pair of blue jeans (shorts). |
Never tire of those cubby cheek baby wearing photos. |
Love finding pictures of my kids disobeying on my phone... only babies allowed in the swing... |
The very best <3 |
Photo by sissy |
A Note to Foster From Dad: Foster Ellis, I'm so thankful that you have been with our family for TWO MONTHS! You are a wonderful babe that has beautifully entered into our family circus. I love to watch your mommy nurture you and your siblings comfort you. Thank you for bringing peace and love into our home. Love you so much! - Daddy
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