Time goes faster with each baby. I can not believe that Foster is already half way around the sun. This little guy sure is teaching me some big things.
Eating: Not much has changed with eating. However, he has been waking up once in the night and screaming. I haven't been able to comfort him other than nursing. He normally will nurse for a couple minutes on one side and then pass out again.
Sleeping: Like I mentioned above, he has started waking about once every night. It was in the middle of the night, but is slowly getting closer to morning - around 5-6AM the past couple mornings. Other than that, he is still sleeping the same. He still naps 4 times a day too. Nap length depends on how well he has been napping that day and the previous day. Sometimes he will only nap for 45 minutes, other times I have to wake him up.
He Loves: He still loves baths. He loves snuggling into his blanket with his whole face covered. He really enjoys a couple toys - mainly his cloth book, rattle, and ball. He loves napping in his swing, but he is getting too big for it! He loves being talked to and seriously laughs overtime he pees on me.
He Doesn't Like: He still isn't a fan of being laid on ;-) He also doesn't like if he eat dinner and he isn't on the table. I think it is coincidence, but he cries every time.
New Skills: Foster learned so many new things this month. He is starting to sit up by himself, put his Paci in his mouth by himself, rolling all over and trying to get his knees under him to crawl, putting pressure on his feet to stand when held. Not a skill, but he moved up to the larger size Paci and didn't even notice a difference.
Fun Things We Did:
We started school.
New school book presents. |
First day of co-op. |
We went to Maine for a week and had a blast! We drove up at night. The kids did great and slept all night long. We then had a house to ourselves for 4 days, then camped for one night in Acadia. We then drove home. Our kids did awesome and traveled and hiked like pros!
We went apple picking and picked 44lbs of Jonagold apples.
Sister selfie |
We love cousin Cubby! |
Lydia loves taking selfies with Fos. |
Picture by Lydia |
First time in the swing. |
Photo by C. |
First mower ride |
A Note From Mom: Foster, you are pretty cool. Someday when you read this, I hope you think I am still cool too ;-) I'll like you forever, I'll love you for always, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be <3
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