Monday, June 11, 2018

One Year Old!

One year old and I can't believe it! 

Height: 2' 5" (27th percentile)

Weight: 20lbs 9.6oz (43rd percentile)

Eating: Jed is a great eater! He doesn't like vegetables very much, but if I give them to him first when he is really hungry, he will eat some. He is still nursing 3 times a day, however, Ty and I are going on vacation without our babies next week and I don't have enough milk for Jed. I have been pumping and pumping, but my body just doesn't respond anymore. So even if I am not ready yet, we will be dropping the afternoon feeding next week. I know he will be fine and he doesn't even actually eat much at that nursing, but I am just not ready for my baby to not be a baby anymore. Time flies and I can't slow it down! As long as he is happy, we will be holding on to those last two nursings for a while yet! I nursed my older two until 17 months old and would like to at least make it that far with Jed. 

Sleeping: He had a rough time with sleeping this month. Although, not really so I can't complain too much. He was fighting naps a lot and waking up early every day. Naps have gotten better and mornings are still early. He has been napping for 1.5 hours at 9AM and 1.5 hours at 1:30PM. I think he will be ready to drop to one nap soon, but I half heartedly tried it and I just don't think that either of us are quiet ready yet. 

He Loves: 
- eating, but mainly bread and fruit 
- his daddy
- his mommy when he is upset
- giving daddy silly high fives 
- fruit
- his paci

He Doesn't Like:
- having a hard time getting veggies into this little guy
- when is sister gets a little too close 

New Skills: 
- walking more and more! He has been walking with the laundry basket and the toy stroller 
- giving high fives
- waving hi
- climbing steps like it is the best thing ever
- conquered his new water bottle
- another new tooth just popped up on the bottom

Exciting Things We Did: 
We celebrated Charlie's birthday party! He made all the plans and made his own cake. He wanted a flat wood birthday theme, strawberry cake, and homemade ice cream. He also choose lego and birthday candle paper products. He worked hard on his cakes and they turned out really good! (Even though his mommy forgot to put enough butter in the icing. oops!) 

We planted our first garden! 

We tried peanut butter for the first time, and in this family that is a BIG deal! 

We went to the cabin! (and apparently took no photos of Jed. Poor guy!) While we were at the cabin Ty and I celebrated 6 years of marriage! (Also, for my future children who will read this, we don't worry about fashion and things like matching at the cabin. I apologize for our outfits... but not really. We were comfy!)

Definitely NOT exciting. Jed was really sick for a week. He was holding a 103+ fever that would only drop into the 102s when on a regular schedule of advil and tylenol every two hours. Finally on the 6th day he broke into a HUGE sweat and it broke. However, he was really dehydrated so the doctor told us to give him whatever he would eat or drink. Grammie won the prize with coconut water. He drank the whole bottle down so quickly! Of all things! After he got some hydration in him, he turned the corner quickly. 

We celebrated Jed's first birthday! The theme was "Time Flies!" Aunt Courtney made the cakes, Mama made a salad bar, and Aldi made the pizza! We had it in the LC cafeteria due to yucky weather. Everything turned out really cute. He LOVED the balloons, but definitely was ready for bed before the party was over. 

More Photos:
Daddy took the kids on a hike while mommy got work done! (I actually stayed home to write Jed's 11 month post and do grocery shopping.)

He LOVES applesauce

sweetest cousins

First dentist trip

I tried everything to keep him awake on the way home. It didn't work. :-P

Best Friends!

They change so much in the first year!

The dress after a really good summer day!

He wants to be just like daddy. Jed got that mower for his birthday from MaMa and PaPa, but he hasn't played with it at all because someone else has claimed it. 

I never got a picture of the first time Jed mowed with Daddy, so here is the second time!

PB bread, peas, and fruit Jed's favorite foods for his first birthday!

Smash cake again on his actual birthday.

Sibling Photos: 
A pretty good sum of their relationships about 65% of the time.

A Note From Daddy: Jed, your smile is contagious and I love when you lean towards me, wanting for me to hold you. Although I do wish that you'd sleep in more, I've been enjoying our alone time morning snuggles lately. You're so close to walking and I can't wait to see you outside running around this summer! I love you little man!

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