Monday, May 6, 2019

One Month

Time is a funny thing. I remember begging God for time to go faster. Ty and I use to joke about building a time machine often. Just old enough to date, just old enough to get married, just get through college so we can start a family. Now here I am living my dream and I am begging God to slow time down. All day I look at my babies and try to soak in their details. Their face and fingers as they eat, the look on their face when they concentrate, how their little hands feel in mine, but I know I won’t be able to relive these moments and it breaks my heart. Granted my baby is a month old now and my first baby is about to turn 5 (5 feels so old!). It’s hard. It’s hard loving someone so much and knowing that you will never get this day with them again. It’s why I struggle to leave them and try my hardest to be patient with them. Don’t get me wrong, I love watching them grow and learn, in fact each stage is my new favorite, but if only it went a little bit slower! But this post isn’t about time solely, so onto the main point - Foster’s first month of life.

Eating: From his first latch, Foster has always been a great nurser. We haven’t had many problems. Before my milk came in, he wanted to nurse every 2 hours for about 45 minutes. After my milk came in he refused to drink from my left side (my left produces much more milk and has a stronger letdown). Now that my milk is more adjusted, he nurses every 3+ hours for about 5-7 minutes total. However, when he starts on my left, he will suckle just long enough to start my letdown. He then pulls off until it slows down - he is already super smart! 

Sleeping: Foster is such a sweet babe, but he definitely loved to see me in the middle of the night more than my other babies. For the first three weeks he was waking every hour to hour and a half to nurse. He slowly started to get longer in-between and the past couple of days he has been going longer stretches. Two days in a row he went from 9PM-3PM!

He has been a rockstar napper. Unlike any of my other babies, he will fall asleep by himself and sleep for 3 hours. I feel bad for him because I use to baby wear and hold my babies for so many of their naps, but Foster sleeps so well by himself. Sometimes I just scoop him up just to get some extra cuddles. (But as soon as I do that, I often have other babies joining the snuggle party too ;-) )

He Loves: Foster is so content. He hardly ever cries, even when he is hungry. Sometimes he likes his Paci and other times it makes him gag so hard he throws up. He REALLY loves bath time. He gets SO relaxed every time we bath him.

He Doesn't Like: To poop. Okay, he might not mind it, but he sure doesn't do it often. The first week of his life he would poop all the time. Right now he only poops about once every 4-6 days.

New Skills: He is staying awake for longer periods of time in-between feedings. His neck is also getting so strong! He has smiled couple of times, but I am not confident if it is on purpose or gas related :-P

Exciting Things We Did: Besides being born, we snuggled, a lot, and started adjusting to being a family of 6!

At his two week check he weighed 8lbs 6oz. The midwife and nurse were so impressed with how attentive he was. 

Foster's first holiday - Easter!

One of my favorite pictures, even with the bad lighting.

A Note: Foster Ellis, you are exactly what our family needed. You are the most content babe and you are so loved by everyone, but especially Jesus. Out of everyone who is and has been, the Lord made you for a very specific role. He has plans for you that you were specifically designed for. Not only that, but he has equipped you with everything that you need to fulfill those plans, if only you rely on Him. Never forget how special you are, my dear. My constant prayer is that He would give your Dad and I the wisdom that we need to guide you towards your purpose in life, and ultimately towards Jesus. I love you fiercely Foster, and I can not wait to see where this life take you.

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