Saturday, January 10, 2015

8 Months

Thirty-One Weeks

Thirty-Two Weeks
Thirty-Three Weeks
Thirty-Four Weeks

Thirty-Five Weeks

Weight: 20.4 lbs. (Done at home)

Eating: We tired solids for the first time this month! We started with sweet potatoes, then avocados, green beans, and carrots. I have been making all of C's baby food and it is so easy and fun! It took him a while to take off with food, but he is finally getting the hang of it. He still nurses 5 times a day. I think in the next few days I am going to start feeding him dinner before nursing him and begin the process of letting him wean himself off of that nursing. :') Growing up is so hard (on mama)!

Sleeping: C is sleeping like a champ at home. Although the past few days he has woken up at 6 starving. I will give in and nurse him at 6:30 and then he falls back asleep for a while. Sleeping in a new place was really hard at the cabin so we did a lot of co-sleeping.

Napping is also going pretty well. Still about 30 mins, but we have gotten a few hour and a half naps lately - specifically for the early afternoon nap. Also, C has pretty much (kind of) stopped taking his evening nap. He still falls asleep if we are driving somewhere, but for the most part skips that nap and is fine - except for some day. Lately we have been starting bed a little early if there wasn't a nap and a little later if there was. It seems to be working just fine.

New Skills:
I feel like I have a completely older baby this month. Each month there are definitely changes, but I feel like he has learned SO MUCH in the past few weeks. It is crazy to think that my baby isn't too much of a baby anymore. This month has definitely been a ton of fun!
~ Moving around using his arms (going in circles)
~ Scooting Backwards
~ Index/Finger Grab
~ Food!
~ Getting up and rocking on his hands and knees
~ In the past two days my little guy has gotten so close to crawling! In fact, he pretty much is army crawling! He can definitely get anywhere he wants to! :')
~ Poop! (okay, I know this is a little gross, but seriously, his first not EBF poop was quiet the emotional moment for me! He doesn't rely on me for all of his food anymore and his poop shows it! okay, enough with the poop...)

He Loves:
~ Throwing things
~ Rolling, rolling, rolling - he looks like he's a spy the way he rolls and army crawls around :-P
~ Tags (are so much more fun than the actual gift!)
~ His socks - I can not keep socks on his little feet!

He Doesn't Like:
~ Being left alone for too long (Don't worry I am not abandoning my child. It is mainly when I am in the kitchen and he is in the living room - where I can safely see him.)

Exciting Things We Did:

Tried food for the first time on December 9th!

We celebrated Charlie's first Christmas! I made Charlie his very own stocking. The first book I ever read to Charlie was an Eric Carle book, so I used his Christmas tree, brown bear, and font in the design. I chose to do a mountainous scene because C is Ty's and my first baby adventure. There are going to be a lot of highs and lows, but it is so worth it. I did the bear because I pray that Charlie will grow up to be brave, strong, and a defender of the weak. I did a Christmas tree because I hope that C always see the magic in life and specifically Christmas! Life itself is the greatest gift! 

We have so much to do on Christmas day itself, that this year Ty took off Christmas Eve so that we could take time and celebrate as a family. It was so nice to have pretty much the whole day to take time and enjoy our little family and Charlie's first Christmas. Unfortunately, our family nap went a little long and we overslept, were late for the Christmas Eve service, and missed my absolute favorite Christmas Eve tradition of lighting candles and singing "Silent Night." Oh well... there is always next year!

We decided to go with the 4 gift rule - 
A Want - A Bath Mat
A Need - Shoes
A Play - Blocks
A Read - "Dream Snow" by Eric Carle 

Christmas Eve!

We were terrible first time parents and did not take very many Christmas Eve and Christmas day photos, and the few that we do have are not very good. 

Christmas with the Hollinger's! It was really hot and almost bed time hence the cute naked babe!
We went to the cabin for New Years (and again didn't take many pictures) :-/

We bundled up for a very cold hike at Lyman Lake.

C was so bundled that he was sweating...opps

We rang in the New Year! Charles had a hard time sleeping at the cabin. I sent Ty in to help put him to sleep. Ends up C put both of them to sleep and once Ty is asleep, it is near impossible to wake him up. So, this is how Ty rang in the New Year and I had to kiss Theo instead. A perfect start to 2015 if you ask me!

Misc.: Charles got his first bottle this month on December 13th (exactly one year since we found out we were having a boy!). Ty and I had our company Christmas party to go to so our friend Kali came over to watch C. It was seriously so hard for me to let go of that time together even though it was just once. I know that all too soon my baby won't need me the way he does now, so I try to soak up very moment of this precious time I have with him. I wouldn't trade it for anything! Overall, it went pretty well. C drank 3 oz., went to bed, and then woke up at 1AM starving - seriously he ate so much!

Some Pictures:

This was an accidental picture, but I think it is so cute despite its blurriness!  
He loves his trucks!

Helping mommy make Christmas presents!

New High Chair

New Bib (that tastes oh so good!)

C loves water! He always pulls at our cups and takes sips so we decided to give him his own. He does so well with it and absolutely loves it! He even started drinking out of a straw today!

Taking down the Christmas tree

Post Christmas blues + lots of cleaning to get done = PJ and baby-wearing day!

C and Theo drove us to the cabin.

Testing out the strength of our new Christmas present.

Playing with snow with Grammie. 

Trying carrots for the first time! Despite the face he actual likes them. 

Theo loves to watch Charlie.
Charlie loves to watch Theo.

Brother snuggles are the best!