Sunday, January 14, 2018

Seven Months Old

Poor babe has been sick for two weeks. First with Hand, Foot, and Mouth and then a nasty cold. I waited a couple days to see if he would look better for photos, but now I'm nearly a week late.

Rough start to our 2018 sickness wise, but are are getting ready to start the second half of January strong and healthy!

Eating: Eating like a champ, with no changes. 5 times a day, 2ish minute a side, does enjoy eating from both sides right away lately. We plan on introducing solids this month.

Sleeping: It is hard to remember how he was sleeping prior to getting sick, but the past two weeks of sickness has put a wench in our sleep. He sleeps pretty decently during the day, but has not been sleeping at night unless he is touching me somehow, and sometimes not even then. Last night he was up and wide awake from 2AM-5AM. Hopefully we can get healthy and start sleeping again, however I am afraid that we (him and I) might have a hard time remembering what sleeping alone in his crib all night long is like. 

He Loves: sitting up, standing up, activity centers, a random yellow spoon out of Lydia's kitchen, chewing on all the things, snuggling mama, shaking his head back and forth when he knows you want a photo or when you are talking to him.

He Doesn't Like: being sick (duh!), getting knocked down, laying down (he will literally plank through an entire diaper change)

New Skills: He is officially in the "ploppable" stage of sitting! He also got his first tooth this month! He can also put his own paci and toys in his mouth by himself. Just this week I have noticed him making new noises too, mainly "Dada."

Exciting Things We Did:
We celebrated Christmas!
Christmas Eve Stockings

Christmas Eve Post-Church

Christmas Eve Breakfast of Cinnamon Rolls

Christmas Eve = movie and sleeping under the tree. Daddy was the first out ;-)

Christmas morning

We went to the cabin and we took no pictures! We had a little bit of snow while there which was fun, but it was very cold! Below are photos from our drive up.

We had a couple more "firsts..." 
First time in a high chair 
First time on mommy's back (I forgot I had Lydia's bow in my hair).

Jed got a sippy cup for Christmas and LOVES it.

C had another visit to the ER. He fell down our basement steps and hit his head. He was having a hard time staying awake afterwards and wasn't speaking clearly and also had a golf ball sized lump on his head, so I took him in. They did a CAT and cleared him as good.

We visited the PA farm show with Aunt Courtney and Cousin Rohen!

More Pictures:
I walked out of the room for a minute and when I came back I found the kids like this (Jed was previous a couple feet away.). I asked C about it and he said that Lydia and him were going to go on a road trip to Colorado and they just couldn't leave Jed behind! :-P

We've had a couple small snowstorms. 

Brother Selfie <3

Photo by C

Photo by C

Photo by C

Photo of poor sick J by C

Poor babe

Sibling Photos:
Our green chair broke and our new chair is smaller and everyone is sickly = Photos were a little rough this month :-P

A Note From Mommy: Jed, someday you will feel better and we will both be more rested, I promise. I love you a whole bunch, but lately I love how you have changed people. At such a young age, you are already helping people change for the better. Through you, your sister is learning how to be such a great helper and gentle caretaker. She helps me get your things and get your dressed everyday. If you need something, she jumps to get it right away every time. I rarely even have to ask! When you are sad, she is sad. She cares deeply for you. C is your biggest fan. Every morning he eagerly awaits until you wake up so that he can be the first person to greet you. He calls you cute nicknames and tells you how much he loves you often. He is really excited to tackle you too, and often reminds me that he still has to wait a little longer until you are bigger. Your daddy is different because of you too. Maybe it is because he has your brother and sister and has learned how fast it all goes, but he often slows his day and looks at you and speaks to your soul. He talks about all the things that he can't wait to do with you too. I love you so much big guy :-* <--- that will probably confuse you in the future, it's suppose to be a kiss :-)