Friday, May 31, 2013


Hello everyone! This is Tyler writing to you with great joy, because thanks to spending the night in a hotel with wifi, I was able to let a video that I just created download to YouTube all night long (it takes forever!) and I just woke up and saw that it was complete so it is with great pleasure that I'd like to share it with you. 

I have been making a video like the one you are about to watch for each day and by the end of the trip, I plan to combine them all to make a simple video documenting our trip. It is all made possible by my various members of my wonderful family who went together and got me a GoPro Hero3 camera for my birthday and I am so grateful that it will allow us to keep the memories of this trip for a lifetime. 

Enjoy the video, share it with your friends and family, and please comment below on your honest thoughts about how it was put together and how I could improve. Thank you!


  1. This was soooo awesome. I loved getting to really see what you are seeing in a small way. I loved the music and the commentary throughout and at the end. It feels like you have been gone so much longer than a week!! The only suggestions I have are to try to keep the camera still sometimes. I realize this is impossible because it's attached to your head at times but boy, I got motion sick immediately on a couple of those scenes - especially when you were walking through the woods and on that wooden path. (That may be a personal issue for me haha. I literally still have a head ache) But over all I loved it and I can't WAIT to see more! Miss you guys so much. Ty, it's so nice to see you enjoying yourself and soooo happy :-) Kaddie why don't you have your muck boot thingers (Bogs)??

  2. Yeah, the shakiness is something that I've been struggling to perfect. I'll keep working on it ;) Thanks!

  3. Wow that was awesome! I really enjoyed the video and can't wait to see more. hope you have a good rest of your trip. Miss and love you both.

  4. When did you start This Aunt Kaddie? I didnt hear about i.

  5. Love seeing a glimpse of what you are seeing! You are making amazing memories and it is so exciting! Kevin and I spent the first 10 years of our marriage traveling and doing ministry and don’t regret a single day! The kiddos finally came along and now we still enjoy adventures as a family! Looking forward to your next two weeks of updates. We are praying for you for safety and great weather!
