Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wait. What?

Today is Wednesday. 

We are leaving Friday morning. 

It just hit me this morning that we are leaving in less than two days, and we haven't gotten much together yet, nor do we have much time to do so. In between working, softball games, and last minute family time, we are left with a growing to-do list and a ticking clock. 

Our To-Do List - 

  • Take truck to the garage just to (help) make sure that it doesn't leave us stranded on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. CHECK
  • Get the mattress and realize that a twin isn't as big as it use to seem. CHECK
  • Have dinner with Grandpa and Grandma Showalter. (Don't worry, we are coming back.) CHECK
  • Being blessed with a large amount of pop-tarts, oreos, and other junk food for our trip by grandparents and parents. SURPRISE CHECK
  • Trying to get the cap on the truck in the dark just to realize that it is full of bugs and slugs from sitting in the grass for two weeks. Followed by, struggling to get it off and back into the grass before our mattress gets all buggy. CHECK
  • Clean cap of all its bugs and slugs and get it back on the truck. 
  • Make keys so that we can actually lock our cap. 
  • Finish laundry without a washer and dryer at our house.
  • Find twin sheets somewhere.
  • Go over and over the mental list of everything that we will need for our three week journey. SEMI-CHECK 
  • Be packed and ready to go at 5:00am Friday morning. (Really not sure that is going to happen.)

I'm sure that this list doesn't cover everything, but isn't that the point of lists - to cross things off and write more down? 

We are beyond excited for Friday! However, in our hustle to get everything done, it is surreal. I pray that we are able to soak in these moments, now and on the trip, and really always.  If we are really being honest, I'm pretty sure that we have no idea what we are getting ourselves into. No matter, what it is, we are excited for the next three + weeks and the adventures that they hold!


  1. I'm sure you'll pass lots of Walmarts so don't worry about remembering it all! Everything will work out! [says the always under-packed ;-)] You're going to have a blast!

  2. Ben lived in the back of his truck for 5 months when he moved to VT from WI. 3 weeks will be nothing! Genna is right, plenty of Walmart's between there and wherever you are going so if you forget your underwear, no worries :)I can't wait to read all about your trip...
