Monday, February 9, 2015

3/4 of a year old!

Thirty-Six Weeks

Thirty-Seven Weeks

Thirty-Eights Weeks

Thirty-Nine Weeks

Measurements done at 9 month well baby!

Height: 28.5" (58th percentile) We are guessing that he wasn't measured correctly at his last appointment and that he didn't shrink. ;-)

Weight: 19.8 lbs. (55th percentile)

Head: 46 cm (79th percentile)

Eating: Eating has taken off this month! This month we have tried carrots, squash, peas, apples, oatmeal, bananas, and pears. We loves everything, but apples are definitely his least favorite. Also, we think that he had a topical reaction to carrots. One the third night for carrots, and also the night that he actually ate them, his poor little face broke out in a red and bumpy rash. He didn't get ill at all, but his face looked terrible. Luckily, it went completely away over night. Since then we have tried them again. The second time, he got a little rash and the third time there was no rash at all. He think his body just had to get use to them. He eats them often now and loves them!

As far as weaning goes... it was going great. I would feed him solids first and then nurse him after. Eventually, I thought he was just about done wanting to nurse after dinner, and then the next day he nursed a ton. Eventually he would eat a ton of solids and then nurse a ton from me. I never thought babies know how to over-eat, but he was eating so much and then vomiting a little afterwards. I obviously did not like this so we had to change things up. So we changed to finger foods and nursed first. So as of right now, C is still nursing 5 times a day and eating solids twice a day (lunch and dinner). As of now, my next step is to cut out the dinner nursing and give him a cup of breast-milk with dinner instead of nursing. I am in no rush to wean him so we will see how it goes!

Sleeping: Kiddo is sleeping through the night!... but loves waking up when daddy does! It has been a challenge for Tyler not to wake Charles up in the morning (by morning I mean like 5am). It isn't too big of a deal if he wakes up because I normally just bring him into bed with me, but lately he hasn't been able to fall back asleep and then he insists on eating right away... therefore, our days have been starting very early (between 5-6:30). Sometimes we will fall back asleep after nursing, but not always. It mainly depends on the time. On days when daddy sleeps in we all sleep in until around 7:15ish!

New Skills:
~ Able to go from sit to crawl
~ Sitting without any assistance
~ Crawling like a pro!
~ Pulling up to a stand!
~ He is able to crawl over the step in-between our mudroom and kitchen.
~ Saying "mama" & "dada." He isn't using the words exactly, but whenever he is with Ty he goes "dadadadada" and whenever he is hurt or upset he looks at me and crus "mamamamama." Who knows maybe its complete coincidence, but it seems to be very consistent.

He Loves:
~ Rolling hands over his lips
~ Clicking his tongue
~ Theo's Dog Dish
~ Put his face over/ licking heat vents
~ Throwing his head backwards
~ Wheels
~ Crawling!
~ Hide and Seek
~ Blowing out of his lips
~ Giving kisses

He Doesn't Like:
~ Bedtime. He will be happy before getting ready and after getting ready, but will scream while getting ready.
~ Pink Lady Apples

Exciting Things We Did: We didn't do much this month. It was really nice not to be super busy. However, we did get a new van! Charlie is loving all the extra space! ;-)

More Pictures: 

Sleeping with daddy ;-)

Taking pictures can be very challenging! 

38 weeks pregnant is the last picture I have. So... 38 weeks in, 38 weeks out!

First Skid-Loader Ride!

First time pulling up!

C loves playing guitar!

Lunchtime with Emmett

The best napping partner
Charles you make my heart so full. Your laugh is contagious and your smile melts any heart. It has been so much fun to watch you grow up into a moving, exploring babe! Just stop worrying about Daddy in the morning. You can keep sleeping. ;-)

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