Sunday, March 8, 2015

Two Full Hands Months Old

Forty Weeks

Forty-One Weeks

Forty-Two Weeks

Forty-Three Weeks

Weight: 21.4lbs (done at home)

Eating: This month we tried puffed barley in place of puffs (he loves them!), white potatoes, oranges, zucchini (which he hates), cinnamon in his oatmeal, grapes, corn, black beans (another favorite), and brown rice. We cut a nursing out this month, so we are down to 4 times a day. We replaced the nursing with a cup of breast milk with dinner. After he stopped asking for the milk and was eating pretty well we stopped giving him the BM with dinner. He got a cup for about 2.5 weeks. Now he just gets water with meals. He eats 1-3 meals with us, depending on when he is awake, but definitely always dinner. The boy loves food. I know you are suppose to feed a baby until they say they are done, but he never stops so I have to cut him off after a while. Not sure what this next month has in store for us as far as weaning more goes...still not in a hurry because let's be honest, it was so hard for me to give up just one nursing. 

Sleeping: Sleeping...maybe this should be titled "The Lack of Sleep" section. Let's just say, 4 teeth. 4 teeth all at the same time. The boy is up to 6 teeth! Okay, but seriously 4 teeth at the same time is no joke. We were sleeping great until they all decided to make their grand appearance (did I mention, at the same time?!). The teeth didn't seem to be an issue during the day, but nighttime was a different story...C was waking up screaming multiple times during the night and nothing was helping him. We tried Baby Advil and teething gel and cold chewys. The only thing that soothed him enough to sleep a little was if I nursed him. So this super tired mother nursed her little guy and happily we all slept together...until the teeth stopped hurting him and he was just waking up to comfort nurse. Let me tell you, this guy puts up a good fight too. And of course the whole time I am wondering, "what if he really is hungry and my milk supply is decreasing!?" etc. He would lay awake and cry a little for 2+ hours until I was so tired that I nursed him anyway.  But then one day I put my foot down and told him that there would be absolutely no more middle of the night feedings! In fact, I would refuse to feed him until 6:30, which I thought was far on all parts because I really wanted him to go until 7:30. Well he listened... kind of. At least he didn't wake up in the middle of the night, but he started waking up between 5-5:30 and insisting of eating. The first few days he screamed and I (not)patiently kept looking at my phone praying for it to be 6:30, but as the days went on he would just wake up and lay awake poking my eyeballs until 6:30. During those days depending on what our day looked like we would either get up right away, but more often than not we would fall back asleep together. (I really love my sleep.) Then came day lights saving so we will see what happens from here on out. I am hoping that the lack of extremely sunlight so early will help him sleep a little better because let me know you, I really miss my 11.5 straight hour sleeper!

New Skills:
~ Clapping 
~ Pulling self to stand
~ Sitting self up 
~ Climbing step (and boy is he fast at them!)
~ Going down the single step that goes between our kitchen and mudroom...wheelbarrow style
~ Throwing tantrums (throws head back and flails himself from side to side while screaming, bedtime and diaper changes are no fun...)
~ Waving bye-bye
~ Playing the recorder (There is a small play one at the office that my dad has taught him how to use. He thinks it is the best, and by he I mean both of them ;-) )
~ Squished nose smiles... are seriously the best!

He Loves:
~ Music and dancing (It is the cutest. He will throw his hands up in the air and rock his head to the music and clap. He really gets into it!)
~ Playing daddy's guitar
~ Exploring
~ Mommy's books
~ Fireplaces
~ Intentionally hitting his head on any and all things (He will seriously grab things and then knock his head into them until he does it too hard that it makes him cry.) 
~ His mommy (Definitely a mamas boy)

He Doesn't Like:
~ When I pick his nose
~ When I leave him (stranger danger is real ya'll) 

Exciting Things We Did:

For Valentine's Day we had a plan to go out to eat and go hiking. We had a nice breakfast at Cracker Barrel. We then drove the 1.5 hours to the place where we were planning on going hiking just to find out that dogs aren't allowed and that you may not leave your dog in the car. Needless to say we turned around and started heading home, but first stopped at Cabela's. I had never been there before and it was awesome. Charlie loved all the animals!

We had one major snow storm...

The first time C really played in the snow! The very first thing he did was slam his face down into it. 

He loves his sled...

and eating snow.

We went sledding at Grammie and Grampy's house.
Sun in the eyes failed photo. 

and then another snow storm.


We made some baby-safe home improvements.

C is clapping because the railing is finally done! Yay!
and the baby gate got put up!
We celebrated January and February birthdays with the Hollingers. Charlie got to play with some of his second cousins!

We also started attending Victory church this month (We as in C and I. Ty has been helping with worship for a few weeks before the church really opened.) It seems really great. Unfortunately, C is not convinced. The first week I heard about 5 minutes of the sermon and the second week I heard around 10 minutes of the service (its getting better, right?!). Let's just say that I heard him screaming up in the sancutary. Boys got some lungs and a deep deep need for mama.  

More Pictures:

Because you can't have enough pictures of sleeping babes!

Okay, I guess maybe we slept a little this month...

C's favorite activity (besides mad dashing towards the hot stove) at the Zellers' house.

Bathed babes are the best babes!

My explorer 


Mothco's next model? 
Misc.: I found these baby pictures of Ty and I this month. It is very clear who C takes after. When I showed Ty he actually thought that it was a picture of C until he wondered why he had a pink paci in his mouth :-P


C, I love being your mama, but this month was tough. Could you go a little easier on me this month? Maybe sleep until 7? and stop seeking out all the electrical chords in our house to put in your mouth? Don't worry, I think we are past the 4 teeth coming at one time phase. The rest of your teeth will be easy peasy compared to that, right? 

This month might have been the toughest, but it is also this month that I realized that I could never imagine a life without you - your scrunched nose smiles and giggles. They are the bestest! 

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